

  • Author: StartupBoy
  • Full Title: A16z 两位创始人:AI 热潮和互联网热潮的区别在哪
  • Category:articles
  • Summary: AI and the internet are compared, with AI being seen as more centralized and computer-like compared to the decentralized nature of the internet. The development of AI models is likened to the evolution of computers, with a shift towards diverse AI models of varying sizes and capabilities. The ease of use and potential lock-in effects of AI models are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of flexibility in choosing and utilizing different AI solutions.
  • URL:


  • 互联网是一个网络,而 AI 是一个计算机。 (View Highlight)
  • AI 和大型语言模型是一种新型计算机,一种概率计算机,一种基于神经网络的计算机 (View Highlight)
  • 如果这种类比成立,这意味着我们实际上会有各种形状、大小、描述、能力的 AI 模型,基于不同的数据训练,在不同的规模上运行,有不同的隐私政策,不同的安全政策,会有巨大的多样性和变化,会是一个完整的生态系统,而不仅仅是几家公司 (View Highlight)